Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cal/GRC (DH) Quotes/Opinions

Keegan while warming up- Nothing like the smell of cow (expletive). It's good for you though, it builds character.

Coach Giles while we were looking for the moon- It's not the moon, I'm just looking for those dang North Koreans.

Coach Lind on Ty Cobb-We played his grandson once. Biggest (expletive) I ever knew. Hit a home run and talked so much (expletive) on his trot my pitcher threw his glove at him.

Coach Lind on realizing Paas' hat reads Pray for Boston- Paas does your hat say Pray for Boston like the big leaguers. *yeah I got bored in class so I started writing stuff on my hat* Coach Lind starts gut-laughing.

Keegan to Paas right before an at bat- Paas if you hit an oppo-taco ill buy you Taco Bell.

Trent about the iPad mini-in about two weeks lets check his history...

THOUGHTS- coming into today's game I was expecting us to pull out one if not two Ws and coast into our season like last year. However I learned that there are definately holes that need to be filled and improvements made in various aspects. Straight chilling for two games today I observed flaws by certain pitchers (not everyday readers still gotta be careful though) and I love the presence of Coach Lind. He lightens up the environment and is basically one of us. Being strictly a bullpen pitcher, you engage in a lot of chatter with benchwarmers and coaches and you learn a lot. Today was a chill day in the pen because I knew I wasn't gonna throw. Sadly, I won't be coming out of the pen tomorrow I will be starting on the bump and hopefully I get Mulvey behind the dish because he knows how to catch me well. So until next game with more thoughts on the squad from the perspective of the pen sayonnara or however you say it in North Korean. #BULLPEN

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