Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Cal/Jension Quotes/Thoughts


Coach Lind after every foul ball- "Guess who's got that one? *smiles* Kioussssss..... *laughs and Mitch goes willingly*

Everyone upon arriving-"These dugouts suck (expletive)"

Keegs on arriving- "nothing like 4 trips to Jenison in 24 hours"

Paas to Coach Lind- so coach you gonna pitch me today? (Coach Lind) Shut up.

Bryce Mercer- Run Ben! FAST!

Everyone as Hudson's ball was being hit- is that?...oh my!..holy (expletive) its gone!!

Keegan as a certain PH was settling into the box- well, he's waving the white flag.


Well for the first time in a half week I finally got to don the uniform and play the glorious game given to us by The Lord. Thank The Lord for it too I mean today was a sunny day with average temperature and little wind, almost beautiful. After all this rain we needed the ability to lace the cleats up and throw it around the horn (sorry guys I forgot the first time). In game one as Adams was on the hill, Lind rushed me to warmup in the bullpen fearing that the game would continue unraveling. Oh how I love throwing bullpen sessions and I felt great but sadly never got the call. In game 2 I was set to relieve for Vandy, but he threw the entire game and so I was also never called in. I got 2 innings at first base but otherwise it was typical bullpen stuff messing with Coach Lind, talkin to Bryce and the other guys on the bench, coaching first base, doing other pointless little things to pass the time. With every pitcher but Keegs, Trent and I throwing chances are I'll get a look on the bump tomorrow in the series finale. I'll be ready and motivated as I need to get that ERA down. So hoping I get to throw otherwise I know I got innings Friday versus Allendale. So until tommorow for yet another update, I'll give today's shoutout to my squad because the rest of them started reading (during class at times) and I appreciate the moments and quotes that they allow me to write about. Peace out y'all. #BULLPEN

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